For a bit I was utilizing Mac Mail's RSS reader. Updates from my favorite blogs were delivered directly to my mailbox without crowding the Inbox. There are various RSS readers out there and now you can even use Facebook too. My friend, Nick Onken, turned me into Net News Wire. It's pretty awesome! I started using it about two months ago and I'm lovin' it. The interface is just like your email program... lets your organize your subscriptions to folders (we all know how I feel about organization), open web pages within the window, synchronize your feeds if you're accessing from different computers, add events to iCal and contacts to Address Book, etc. With the amount of information made available to us on a daily basis, this is a great tool to filter and customize what we feed our brains from the WWW. Only works with Macs though.
A few less clicks & loading time means more time to update my own blog perhaps? :D Be sure to add me to your RSS reader. And yes, I subscribe to the purse blog.